Date And Time Slot Full Meaning In Hindi

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Disable moonphases. Some holidays and dates are color-coded: Red –Federal Holidays and Sundays.; Gray –Typical Non-working Days.; Black–Other Days. Local holidays are not listed. The year 2020 is a leap year, with 366 days in total.; Calendar type: Gregorian calendar. Time slot definition: 1. A time when something can happen or is planned to happen, especially when it is one of several.

slot 1

1. A narrow opening; a groove or slit: a slot for coins in a vending machine; a mail slot.
2. A gap between a main and auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing.
a. An assigned place in a sequence or schedule: a new time slot for a TV program.
b. A position of employment in an organization or hierarchy.
5. Informal A slot machine designed for gambling: lost $100 playing the slots.
a. Football A space or gap between an end and a tackle in an offensive line.
b. Sports An unmarked area in front of the goal between the face-off circles on an ice hockey rink.
tr.v.slot·ted, slot·ting, slots
2. To put into or assign to a slot.
[Middle English, hollow of the breastbone, from Old French esclot.]

slot 2

(slŏt)Date And Time Slot Full Meaning In Hindi

Date And Time Slot Full Meaning In Hindi Translation

[Obsolete French esclot, horse's hoofprint, from Old French, perhaps from Old Norse slōdh, track.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(slɒt) n
1. an elongated aperture or groove, such as one in a vending machine for inserting a coin
2. (Aeronautics) an air passage in an aerofoil to direct air from the lower to the upper surface, esp the gap formed behind a slat
3. (Nautical Terms) a vertical opening between the leech of a foresail and a mast or the luff of another sail through which air spills from one against the other to impart forward motion
vb, slots, slottingorslotted
6. (usually foll by: in or into) to fit or adjust in a slot
7. informal to situate or be situated in a series or scheme
[C13: from Old French esclot the depression of the breastbone, of unknown origin]


[C16: from Old French esclot horse's hoof-print, probably of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse sloth track; see sleuth]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n., v. slot•ted, slot•ting.n.
1. a slit or other narrow opening, esp. one for receiving something, as a coin or a letter.
2. a place or position, as in a sequence or series.
4. Informal.slot machine (def. 1).
5. a gap that is opened along the leading edge of an aircraft wing to improve airflow.
7. to make a slot in; provide with a slot or slots.
8. to place or fit into a slot: You've been slotted for four o'clock.
[1300–50; Middle English: the hollow of the breastbone < Middle French esclot, of uncertain orig.]


the track or trail of a deer or other animal, as shown by the marks of the feet.
[1565–75; < Anglo-French, Middle French esclot the hoofprint of a horse, probably < Old Norse slōth track, trail; compare sleuthhound]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: slotted
Gerund: slotting
I slot
you slot
he/she/it slots
we slot
you slot
they slot
I slotted
you slotted
he/she/it slotted
we slotted
you slotted
they slotted
Present Continuous
I am slotting
you are slotting
he/she/it is slotting
we are slotting
you are slotting
they are slotting
Present Perfect
I have slotted
you have slotted
he/she/it has slotted
we have slotted
you have slotted
they have slotted
Past Continuous
I was slotting
you were slotting
he/she/it was slotting
we were slotting
you were slotting
they were slotting
Past Perfect
I had slotted
you had slotted
he/she/it had slotted
we had slotted
you had slotted
they had slotted
I will slot
you will slot
he/she/it will slot
we will slot
you will slot
they will slot
Future Perfect
I will have slotted
you will have slotted
he/she/it will have slotted
we will have slotted
you will have slotted
they will have slotted
Future Continuous
I will be slotting
you will be slotting
he/she/it will be slotting
we will be slotting
you will be slotting
they will be slotting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been slotting
you have been slotting
he/she/it has been slotting
we have been slotting
you have been slotting
they have been slotting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been slotting
you will have been slotting
he/she/it will have been slotting
we will have been slotting
you will have been slotting
they will have been slotting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been slotting
you had been slotting
he/she/it had been slotting
we had been slotting
you had been slotting
they had been slotting
I would slot
you would slot
he/she/it would slot
we would slot
you would slot
they would slot
Past Conditional
I would have slotted
you would have slotted
he/she/it would have slotted
we would have slotted
you would have slotted
they would have slotted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.slot - a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable; 'he developed a version of slot grammar'
spatial relation, position - the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; 'the position of the hands on the clock'; 'he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage'
2.slot - a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail); 'he put a quarter in the slot'
coin slot - a slot through which coins can be inserted into a slot machine
mail slot - a slot (usually in a door) through which mail can be delivered
3.slot - a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; 'the TV program has a new time slot'; 'an aircraft landing slot'
interval, time interval - a definite length of time marked off by two instants
4.slot - a position in a hierarchy or organization; 'Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks'; 'she beat some tough competition for the number one slot'
status, position - the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; 'he had the status of a minor'; 'the novel attained the status of a classic'; 'atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life'
5.slot - the trail of an animal (especially a deer); 'he followed the deer's slot over the soft turf to the edge of the trees'
trail - a track or mark left by something that has passed; 'there as a trail of blood'; 'a tear left its trail on her cheek'
6.slot - (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board; 'the PC had three slots for additional memory'
computer, computing device, computing machine, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system - a machine for performing calculations automatically
receptacle - an electrical (or electronic) fitting that is connected to a source of power and equipped to receive an insert
7.slot - a slot machine that is used for gambling; 'they spend hours and hours just playing the slots'
fruit machine - a coin-operated gambling machine that produces random combinations of symbols (usually pictures of different fruits) on rotating dials; certain combinations win money for the player
coin machine, slot machine - a machine that is operated by the insertion of a coin in a slot
Verb1.slot - assign a time slot; 'slot a television program'
schedule - plan for an activity or event; 'I've scheduled a concert next week'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.opening, hole, groove, vent, slit, aperture, channelHe dropped a coin in the slot and dialled.
2.(Informal)place, time, space, spot, opening, position, window, vacancy, nicheVisitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.
verb, slide, insert, put, placeShe slotted a fresh filter into the machine.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


nounA post of employment:
appointment, berth, billet, job, office, place, position, situation, spot.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
فَتْحَةفُتْحَه، شَقمَوْقِع البَرنامجيَضَع في الفُتْحَه
sprækkeklemme indlamellistesendetid
동전 구멍
atvēlētais laiksiespiestiespraustsprauga
programový blok
yuvazamandelikkuşakyerine oturtmak/yerleştirmek


1. (= hole) (in machine etc) → ranuraf; (= groove) → muescaf
to put a coin in the slotmeter una monedaen laranura
2. (= space) (in timetable, programme etc) → huecom; (= advertising slot) → cuñaf (publicitaria); (= job slot) → vacantef
B.VTto slot in(to) [+ object] → introducirormeter en (fig) [+ activity, speech] → incluir (en)
to slot a part into another partencajar una pieza en (la ranura de) otra pieza
to slot sth into placecolocar algo en su lugar
we can slot you into the programmete podemos dar un espacioen elprograma, te podemos incluiren elprograma
it doesn't slot in with the restno encaja con los demás
it slots in hereentra en esta ranura, encajaaquí
D.CPDslot machineN (at funfair) → tragaperrasf inv; (= vending machine) → máquinafexpendedora
slot meterNcontadorm
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= time available) (in timetable)créneaum; (in TV, radio schedule)créneaum, plagef
to slot sth into sth → encastrer qch dans qch, insérer qch dans qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n(= opening)Schlitzm; (= groove)Rillef; (Comput) → Slotm, → Steckplatzm; (for aircraft to land etc: = time slot) → Slotm; (inf: = place) → Plätzchennt (inf); (TV) → (gewohnte) Sendezeit; do we have a slot for this in our range?können wir das in unser Programmeinbauen?
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1.n (in machine) → fessura; (groove) → scanalatura (fig) (in timetable) (Radio, TV) → spazio
2.vt (object) → infilare (fig) (activity, speech) → inserire
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(slot) noun
1. a small narrow opening, especially one to receive coins. I put the correct money in the slot, but the machine didn't start. gleuf فُتْحَه، شَق процеп ranhura zdířka der Schlitz sprække σχισμή, εγκοπήranura ava, pilu شكاف aukko fenteחריץ छिद्र, छेद, झिरी, खांचा utor, otvor automata za ubacivanje kovanica rés lubang kecil untuk memasukkan koin rifa, rauf fessura 送金 가늘고 긴 홈, (특히 기계 등의) 동전 투입구 plyšys sprauga lubang alur gleufsprekk, spalteszczelina, otwór درز، درځ: سورى، سوړه، غار ranhura fantă щель, прорезь štrbina; (úzky) otvor reža za kovance otvor springa, inkast ช่องเปิดที่แคบยาว (สำหรับใส่เหรียญ, จดหมาย) delik, yuva 狹長孔,狹縫,(自動販賣機等的)投幣口 проріз, щілина سکے ڈالنے کے لیے چھوٹا شگاف rãnh, khe 狭槽,狭缝
2. a (usually regular) position (in eg the schedule of television/radio programmes). The early-evening comedy slot. gleuf مَوْقِع البَرنامج подходящо място espaço programový blok die Spalte sendetid ζώνηhueco, cuña (kindel) koht, (teatud) aeg شيار paikka tranche horaireמקום पद्वति mjesto, prostor (za nešto) hely; program acara dagskrártími (fascia oraria) 時間帯 ( TV, 라디오 프로그램 스케줄 중의 보통 정해진) 위치 skirtas laikas (pārraidei) atvēlētais laiks acara plaatsprogrampost, sendingstidokienko درز espaço program определенное место, время programový blok termin termin stund, -timme, -dags เวลาและสถานที่ซึ่งกำหนดในตาราง kuşak, zaman 把...納入序列(或名單)中,安排 (電視或廣播節目) місце в розкладі نشریات کے لائحہ عمل میں کوئی مقرر وقت chỗ, vị trí 把…纳入其中,(电视或广播节目的)位置
verbpast tense, past participle ˈslotted
(with in or into) to fit (something) into a small space. He slotted the last piece of the puzzle into place; I managed to slot in my tea-break between two jobs. insit, inkry يَضَع في الفُتْحَه слагам в процеп encaixar vsunout einpassen klemme ind χώνω, στριμώχνωinsertar, introducir sobitama در جاي خود قرار دادن asettaa paikalleen emboîter, insérer לְשַבֵּץ जगह बनाना načiniti porez, otvor na čemu beprésel memampatkan finna (e-u) stað inserire はめこむ (~을) 작은 공간에 끼워 맞추다 į(si)sprausti iespiest; iespraust memuatkan inpassenpasse inn wciskać, wsuwać په خپل ځاى كښې كيدل encaixar a încastra, a îmbuca вставить vsunúť vstaviti uglaviti passa (klämma) in หยอดลงในช่อง yerine oturtmak/yerleştirmek 安插 вставляти کسی چیز کو چھوٹی سی جگہ میں رکھنا đút vào khe 安插
slot machine
a machine, especially one containing cigarettes, sweets etc for sale, worked by putting a coin in a slot. muntoutomaat آلة البيْع بواسِطَة إسْقاط النقود في الفُتْحَه монетен автомат vendedor automático automat der Automat automat κερματοδέκτης distribuidor automático, máquina tragaperras müügiautomaat دستگاهي كه با سكه كار مي كند raha-automaatti distributrice מְכוֹנַת מַזָל सिक्का डालने पर काम करने वाली मशीन (prodajni) automat (pénzbedobós) automata mesin penjual otomatis sjálfsali distributore automatico 自動販売機 자동판매기 automatas automāts (kaut kā pārdošanai) mesin lubang alur automaatautomatautomat یو دول ماشین ده چی په پیس کی کار کوی vendedor automático automat торговый автомат automat avtomat automat varuautomat เครื่องขายของอัตโนมัติโดยการหยอดเหรียญ otomatik satış makinası 自動販賣機 автомат مشین میں سکے ڈالنے کا شگاف máy bán hàng tự động 自动贩卖机(香烟、糖等)
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


فَتْحَة otvor sprækkeSchlitzυποδοχήranura rakofente prorezfessura スロット 동전 구멍sleufåpningszczelinafenda, ranhuraщель öppning

Date And Time Slot Meaning In Hindi

ช่องที่แคบและยาวyuva khe狭槽
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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Hindi language, member of the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-Europeanlanguage family. It is the preferred official language of India, although much national business is also done in English and the other languages recognized in the Indian constitution. In India, Hindi is spoken as a first language by nearly 425 million people and as a second language by some 120 million more. Significant Hindi speech communities are also found in South Africa, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Yemen, and Uganda.

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History and varieties

Literary Hindi, written in the Devanagari script, has been strongly influenced by Sanskrit. Its standard form is based on the Khari Bolidialect, found to the north and east of Delhi. Braj Bhasha, which was an important literary medium from the 15th to the 19th century, is often treated as a dialect of Hindi, as are Awadhi, Bagheli, Bhojpuri, Bundeli, Chhattisgarhi, Garhwali, Haryanawi, Kanauji, Kumayuni, Magahi, and Marwari. However, these so-called dialects of Hindi are more accurately described as regional languages of the “Hindi zone” or “belt,” an area that approximates the region of northern India, south through the state of Madhya Pradesh.

Within this zone, the degree to which regional languages resemble standard Hindi varies considerably. Maithili—the easternmost regional language of the Hindi belt—bears more historical resemblance to Bengali than to standard Hindi. Likewise, Rajasthani, the westernmost language of the belt, in some respects resembles Gujarati more than standard Hindi. Nevertheless, the majority of speakers of these regional languages consider themselves to be speaking a Hindi dialect. Among other reasons, they note that these languages were grouped with Hindi by the British in an attempt to classify languages in the early days of British rule. Furthermore, Hindi (rather than one of the regional languages) was chosen as the medium of instruction at the elementary-school level. In large part as a result of this colonial policy, members of the urban middle class and educated villagers throughout the zone claim to be speakers of Hindi because the use of these regional languages or dialects in public venues—that is, outside the circle of family and close friends—is perceived as a sign of inadequate education. In other words, speaking standard Hindi gives as much status to people in this region as speaking English gives in the south of India; both are treated as languages of upward social mobility. Thus, people in search of new jobs, marriages, and the like must use standard Hindi in everyday communication. In many cases, young people now have only a passive knowledge of the regional languages. Particularly since the 1950s, the prevalence of mass media (radio, television, and films) and growing literacy have led to an increase in the number of native speakers of standard Hindi.

Occasionally there are demands for the formation of separate states for the speakers of one or another regional language. Such demands are generally neutralized by counterdemands for the recognition of that regional language’s many dialects. For instance, when the demand for the formation of a separate state of Maithili speakers was raised in Bihar in the 1960s and 1970s, there was a counterdemand for the recognition of Angika in eastern Bihar and Bajjika in northwestern Bihar. The successful demands for forming the new states of Chhattisgarh (from territory once in Madhya Pradesh) and Uttaranchal (from territory in Uttar Pradesh) was more sociopolitical than linguistic.

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Sanskrit and the Prakrit and Apabhramsha languages—the precursors of Hindi—are nominally and verbally inflected. In the nominal realm, the adjective agrees in number and gender with the noun that it qualifies. This is less the case for Hindi because it was greatly influenced by Persian, in which the adjective does not change as a result of a number change in the noun. Instead, Hindi indicates number agreement via postpositions—small words that appear after nouns and function much like English prepositions. Hindi has also reduced the number of genders to two (masculine and feminine), whereas other Sanskrit-based languages, such as Gujarati and Marathi, have retained the neuter gender as well. Persian influence also caused the Hindi system of case marking to become simpler, reducing it to a direct form and an oblique form. Postpositions are used to indicate the other case relations.

The verbal inflection of Hindi is also simpler than that of the regional languages of the Hindi zone. Only the present and future indicative forms are fully conjugated in Hindi, while other tenses are indicated with the help of perfective and imperfective participles combined with the auxiliary verbs.

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